
Creating an Effective Facebook Ad Campaign for Your e-Commerce Store

Facebook advertisements are often ignored. In today’s world, the marketing machine has long since been running on overdrive, and the eyes you want to get in front of have long since tired from the non-stop marketing efforts. The key to getting in front of your customer’s eyes is to find a way to appeal to their needs. When you can solve a problem or find an answer to a need, the sales you are trying to achieve will come much easier. Many brands lose focus on solving a problem by only focusing on generating or increasing profits.

The demands for e-commerce stores vary. Though Amazon is an e-commerce store, its success is the exception to the rule. It is a whale in a pond while others are fish vying to share the same space. Trying to compete with Amazon is a useless effort because they are simply too big. However, what you as the owner of an e-commerce store is be the most effective version of yourself as possible. Let’s start with how to run a Facebook ad campaign for an e-commerce store.

1. Create separate campaigns for each objective
2. Organize advertisement sets by your audience
3. Place a bid for your campaign’s objective (This centers on your budget, which will be discussed in a moment)
4. Create multiple advertisements for diverse audiences
5. Adjust your budget to invest in the campaigns that proved to be most effective

Determining your budget

Only you know what you have to spend to promote your brand. Depending on your level of success within your business, your marketing dollars are more fluid in digital marketing (ie, Facebook ads). Even with that fluidity, there still needs to be careful thought put into how you want your campaign(s) run. Do you want your ad campaign to run for a specific amount of time? Do you want it to appear at a specific point in time? What are your competitors spending in this area? If they are more successful than you, are they using ad campaigns more effectively, or are they using another method of advertisement entirely?

These are questions you need to know the answers to before ever allocating money. You can set your budget daily or for each campaign. It all depends on how long you are willing to wait to see results. If you do not know these answers, you’ll run the risk of under spending because you aren’t prepared and will play it safe or you will overspend because you aren’t prepared and will fall into the trap of trying to spend yourself into profits.

The specific results you desire can be tracked by the objectives you set. Some of these are page post engagement, website conversions, app installations and video views. All of these are great markers that reveal how effective or ineffective your campaign is. Be sure to use Google Analytics to track conversions from Facebook to your website, or conversions directly on your Facebook store. By having such complete results, you will be able to pivot or move forward with you ad campaigns to maximize the results and generate more revenue for your business!


Check out a detailed tool kit on how to use digital marketing to sell online here at Detroit Fulfillment Initiative.