
How to Expand Your Blogging Efforts

Ranking high organically in search engine results is a combination of many factors that include purposeful blogging. Using strategic keywords in your blog that pertain to your business is just one important piece of this puzzle. By making keyword investments toward your online reputation and presence, you will slowly build more credibility to your website in certain keyword searches. How can you expand your blogging efforts to make sure you are doing everything you can to gain more ground in the world of SEO? Let’s start with the most important step: making basic blogging goals.

Scrabble pieces that spell out "blog."

It all starts with a vision

Expanding your blogging efforts can only start by adhering to fundamental and actionable goals. If you don’t know where to start, ask yourself some key questions. What kind of service or product does your brand offer? What is your customer persona? What kinds of questions can you answer to help these potential customers? By answering each of these questions you can then tailor your content to what your expected customer base would want to engage with.

Use your blog to offer answers to problems

You will be able to give your blog posts a clear purpose once you know who you are writing to and what questions would lead them to your product. For example, if you are a residential contractor, your customer persona would be adult homeowners in your region. You will then want to use keywords in your blogs that address topics these homeowners will want to know more about. “How to know when your roof is bad” is a popular keyword, and a topic that would feature well on the blog, and draw in attention. It would draw in search engine traffic to your website page from homeowners who need help with home repair. Inserting another phrase within this same blog post like “roof repair in San Diego” will also help your page rank higher in local searches for local roof repair.

Blogging will bring you customers

Using strategic keywords in your blog is a vital component to your SEO marketing plan. By starting with the basics and identifying who you are blogging for, you can then expand your blogging efforts to effectively engage with your target audience. Targeting your audience with specific keywords, tailoring your content for a specific audience, and answering the questions that lead an audience to your product are all excellent ways to expand upon what you’re already doing, and will help you gain followers.