Matt Cavazos began his career with Evans in 2009 through Evans Resource Solutions. He was hired on as a temporary employee to work at Detroit Public Schools’ (DPS) warehouse. Matt worked on and off as a warehouseman until, in 2011, DPS appointed Evans to manage its warehouse. Because of his tenacity, Matt was promoted to Supervisor, becoming a full-time employee of Evans. Matt supervised the DPS warehouse for almost ten years, gaining more responsibilities each year. In 2018, he became the supervisor at Evans’ Jefferson location. In just over a year, Matt was promoted to Operations Manager as his dedication and customer-focused mentality was (and still is) unmatched.
Earlier this year, Matt was asked to oversee the operations at our Enterprise Drive location. If you stop by, don’t expect him to be in his office. He will be out on the floor doing anything and everything right beside his team – from driving a forklift to scanning inbounds and outbounds to fixing a broken dock door. Matt is always there exactly when someone needs him – especially if it is a customer.
Matt measures success by customer satisfaction. Matt says, “I think it’s true when they say that the customer is the most important part of a business. I do my best to provide the best customer care and service, because I want our customers to be happy.” Ask anyone who works/has worked with Matt, and they will tell you that he works tirelessly to make sure the customer feels valued and satisfied.
When it comes to his current role as Operations Manager, Matt appreciates the added responsibility which provides fresh challenges most of all. Matt says, “The Manager title not only means additional duties, but also, accountability. It’s a nice feeling to know that you are trusted to make important decisions.”
For other employees looking to move up in the company, Matt advises, “Work hard and show your dedication to the company, the customers, and your team.” He adds, “Don’t be afraid to just ask for more responsibility. Show your interest to help your department and Evans to succeed.”
Matt has been with Evans for 11 years. He has always liked working for Evans because he “values Evans’ commitment to exceed the expectations of their customers, as well as the people and teams here that help to make this happen.” Evans is proud to have Matt on our team and we look forward to seeing more great work in the years to come!
If you’re interested in employment at Evans, check out our Careers page for more information about our employment opportunities.