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Blockchain for Dummies

How does the blockchain work? This simple question has a very complex answer, one that can be difficult to understand. We’ll try to break down

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Press Releases

3PL Insights Blog Wins Blogging Awards

https://www.camcode.com/asset-tags/top-logistics-blogs/MELVINDALE, Mich. May 7, 2017 — The continually changing world of logistics requires industry leaders to stay on top of what’s happening in the industry.

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Everything Past The Click

How do you define a 3PL?

There are many definitions as to what a 3PL really is, especially as the capabilities of a 3PL have shifted dramatically throughout the years. But the legal definition of a 3PL was hammered down in 2008, defined as “a person who solely receives, holds, or otherwise transports a consumer product in the ordinary course of business but who does not take title to the product.” However, in this day and age, it’s about the survival of the fittest—especially when considering the presence of companies like Amazon.

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