
Evans Distribution Systems Rides with Slow Roll

If you haven’t already heard about the hundreds of bikers that ride around Detroit on a Monday night – here’s your opportunity. Every Monday through the summer months, hundreds of bikers gather together at various Detroit locations for a bike ride called Slow Roll.

Slow Roll was created in 2010 by Jason Hall. This nonprofit organization brings together thousands of people from all over the region to gain a unique perspective on Detroit. It also helps bring in revenue for the local restaurants and stores. Mondays were once the slowest day of the week, but with large crowds coming for Slow Roll, Mondays are now one of the busiest days in Detroit.

Evans Distribution Systems participated last July for the first time. If you haven’t already seen the video, you can check it out here. The group of employees had a great time biking through the city and giving back to a nonprofit that supports Detroit. This summer, Evans is planning on attending two rides. You’re welcome to join us.

Stay tuned for details and we hope you can ride with us!

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