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Stack Height

Stack height is the number of pallets, rolls, and/or skids that can be safely stacked on top of each other; the client supplies this information.

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Stacking refers to placing stock on top of other merchandise in order to more efficiently use space.

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Staging is the process of getting product from its storage area and placing it near the loading area for later shipment; or in cross docking, the process of unloading product

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Staging Area

Staging area is the designated area of the warehouse near the loading dock where product is placed or arranged for shipment.

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Stencils are markings placed on the product with the ID information required by the customer for the product that they are receiving. This can be in different forms dependent on

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Stock is the quantity of goods, materials, or items that are kept on hand by a company or organization for the purpose of sale or distribution.

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Stock Rotation

Stock rotation is the systematic movement of inventory within a warehouse, distribution center, or retail store. The goal is to ensure that the oldest items are sold or used first,

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Strap Loading

Strap loading is the method of securing loads on a pallet or other platform for transportation. The load is secured to the pallet using straps, which are tightened around the

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Strapping is the process of securing a load to a pallet, platform, or other conveyance equipment using straps. The straps are typically made of strong materials such as polyester, nylon,

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