
Governor Granholm Appoints Evans Distribution Systems’ President

MELVINDALE, Mich., June 4, 2009 – Evans Distribution Systems
today announced that company President John A. Evans has been appointed by Governor Jennifer Granholm to the newly created Michigan Supply Chain Management Development Commission. In this role, Evans will advise the governor and appropriate state agencies on supply chain management initiatives that may stimulate the economy and provide employment opportunities. Evans’s term is effective June 1 to December 31, 2010.

The commission, created within the Department of Treasury, was established to help grow the state’s supply chain industry.

“Michigan is undergoing an unprecedented shift in its economy and the health of our supply chain industry is at risk,” said Evans. “It’s critical government and industry work together to understand the unique issues we face and work out solutions that will help draw in more supply chain business. I’m honored to be a part of this dialogue to help restore opportunity to this vital sector.”

The commission will communicate with Canada’s federal government regarding trade and transportation; survey how other states have used supply chain management capabilities to attract industry; identify which industries will benefit from supply chain coordination; develop a state strategy for global supply chain operations; and make recommendations on regulatory, tax and investment issues.

The Michigan Supply Chain Management Development Commission was created to develop a plan for attracting, supporting, marketing and growing the international trade, supply chain, and logistics industries by advising on the development and coordination of state transportation and economic development policies. It will study and design programs to provide incentives and support growth industries through workforce development, tax incentives, recruitment and marketing.

Evans Distribution Systems, headquartered in Southeast Michigan, was founded in 1929 as the Central Detroit Warehouse Company. It has evolved into a full-service, third-party logistics provider offering warehousing, transportation, value-added and staffing to the manufacturing, food and beverage, consumer goods, and chemical industries. Evans currently employs about 250 associates and operates more than 1,800,000 square feet of space in Michigan and Virginia.